

We have good news for you. We have started internal Alpha version of Tedee Keypad. It is first version working with production Tedee Smart Locks and allows user to manage PINs and unlock the lock with them. You can ask, what are you waiting for, this is all we need, start selling it. Please remember, it is not done and we still have a lot to do.

Meantime we want ask for your help. As an active forum users, we want to give you opportunity, to test our mobile app, by solving couple of test tasks related with the Keypad. If you want to participate, just click here.

Feedback is really important for us, so we want to give you a real chance to help us create a product that fit your needs.


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The only workaround is to build an automation so when first lock will be unlocked then unlock the second one. It can be done using HomeKit/Homey.

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I do not know the Hubitat and I think we do not have running integration with them. Anyway creating such automation for system which allows to send HTTP request is simply and you can count on our help.


We want to implement a standard of no less than IP65. The keyboard is still in the early stages of development, so this is subject to change.

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Do you have a release date for the Keypad ? 

No we do not, but should be this year

Hello Konrad,

I was wondering if you were planning on a cooperation with airbnb like other smart lock and keypad manufacturer do ? 

Also, do you have a release date ?

Best regards,


I am pretty sure that I posted a further comment on this topic with further information a few days  ago. Why was this not published?

Yes, we're working on that right now. I can't give you a release date, but you shouldn't have to wait more than a quarter.

I cannot participate, since I just get a blank page after clicking on "get started". As I told your team via email already: I am happy to test the keypad for real as well and give you an feedback on it. I have used nuki and it's keypad for some time before switching to tedee.

Why? There are 7 answers from you in this thread. Scroll back to page "1" :) .

as I said, I postet another comment with a link to a website, which has a very nice, long test on the tedee lock, describes the app and homekit integration and provides some pictures of the keypad, which the tester got from tedee. Hence, I am wondering, why this posts was not published!? It might interest users from here, who are looking forward to the keypad and it does advertise tedee.

1. Will it be possible to administrate keycodes in the

2. I want to be able to lock with the keypanel. make it happen :-)

I am anxiously waiting for the keypad accessory.

I completed the test tasks in order to help.

Keep up the good work ! 

Go Tedee

interessting, for you it seemed to work, so I looked into it. Tried with mobile (chrome) and desktop (firefox and bing), the only thing working was desktop chrome?!

Anyway , I have to agree: Having a PIN subpage under the keypad and not managing the PINs there, does not make sense. Assigning PINs (and maybe creating one) under the user subpage makes sense as well, but it should be reachable from the keypad settings as well. Also the reference to "sharing page" (or how was it called?), when trying to add a PIN, was not clear to me at first. Sharing the PIN via email was easy on the other hand.

Feedback on the device itself:

1. You can tell from the settings page that it (hopefully) will have a backlight, which I do like a lot!

2. I am always on edge with implemented vs normal batteries. Here I do hope you will use 3xAAA or 2xAA or so, because I am not looking forward to taking it from the wall to charge or having a power bank sitting in front of my door to charge it.

3. IP4/5x resistance would be appreciated from anybody with a house, I guess

5. Nuki did not put a 0 on theirs, with the argument "people would use birthdates, which is unsecure ". I think having a number less on there is less secure and I want to pick my codes as I please...

6. I do can pair more than 1 lock at a time, right? (I use two on my door...) Mybe even beeing able to assign different codes to different locks would be nice for some people? I am thinking about having two doors (apartment building or something?) and not always wanting to unlock both at the same time.

I am really looking forward to the keypad! :)


For me it worked without a hitch using Safari 14.1.1 on Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6.

Also anxiously awaiting for the keypad as a nice add-on to my Tedee lock

All the best



1. We will add managing keycodes to portal in 2022 Q1

2. Could you give more details on how it would works?


I am closing this topic. Please ask questions related to Keypad to appropriate category. Thank you.